The guildballers from Figo are
This lineup below is an example for The Homelands Cup, what a Figeon Team could look like. There are many other strong options in this nation!
Some day I’d like to try builds with both Devana and Ballista, and I can obviously see Obulous being strong as well. Corbelli drew the longest stick this time though.
Maybe old Obby did that on purpose, pulling strings and putting Corbelli up instead of himself? 😉
When building these example lists, I like to try and spread the picks from among different guilds. Still trying to make something that might be strong, but to build the strongest team from any nation or guild one has to factor in personal playstyle and all of that as well. That’s the beauty of this game being so well balanced overall.
Fielding double goalkeepers is largely just for the fun of it, but I think it can maybe be a strong plan as well. They can be inf-batteries for the rest of the team so that they can get full stacks often, and swish around and score goals.
This team will have trouble getting takeouts, so they will likely go for a 3-0 plan, but in a rather different way than the Numasai superstrikers for example.
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These are the models to choose from. What team would you have built and why? 😀
Player | Guild | Special |
Ballista | Engineers | Captain |
Corbelli | Masons | Captain |
Devana | Falconers | Captain |
Mourn | Morticians | Captain |
Obulus | Morticians | Captain |
Frelsi | Falconers | Mascot |
Wrecker | Masons | Mascot |
Angel | Fish / Navs | |
Boiler | Butchers | |
Compound | Alch / Engineer | |
Grayscales | Fishermen | |
Ikaros | Falconers | |
Miasma | Ratcatchers | |
Roast | Cooks / Butch | |
Skulk | Rats / Morts |