Aaand we’re back! Sitting on this bench, that’s not a bad thing you know 😉
I hope everyone had a great holiday, regardless of what/where/how/if you were celebrating. Regarding Guild Ball I had every intention of getting stuff done here on The Bench over the holidays, but my love for family obligations AND more than a week of being really sick made me never get around to it. That’s life.
But even though both me and many of you have disconnected a bit over the last few weeks, there is a big heap of interesting stuff around the corner for Guild Ball. Stuff that we’ve heard mentioned before, but that is actually drawing closer and closer now.
To kickoff the year SFG have posted their first GB blog post since late August, when the crossover playdown minis were released. Yay! I’ve been longing for another of those <3
Read it here:
It’s a good post! I like it. While it isn’t overly long or spicy, it holds several great points of interest and as always I really appreciate the official sign of life after a period of silence.
It matters a lot.
It includes the brand new playmat design from Frontline Gaming, which is arguably the biggest news here short term. But also, in the long term it’s good to hear about the continued progress on the new Gameplan Deck and the Lumberjacks Minor Guild.
There is not yet any official word on physical releases or upcoming spoilers, but just like 2024 was a great year for Guild Ball – so will 2025 be as well. No doubt about it! I mean who knows what’s next after the 4.7 errata and the Lumberjacks and Gameplans?
Short rearview mirror
I can’t help it, I also want to do a quick look backwards. I have to say I’m SO happy and proud to conclude that quite a lot happened here on The Bench during the first year. During 2024 I published over 300 posts. Not quite one per day in total, but over long periods of time during the year I did post at least one per day. As I’ve mentioned before, this place became like a hobby unto itself.
All the cheers I’ve gotten from you who drop by to read here is just the greatest thing ever, thank you so much!
Some posts have been long and some short, some with stuff I had a hand in making, and some (most!) with the spotlight shining on stuff made by all you other wonderful people out there in this comunity. So many people doing great things for Guild Ball.
News, speculations, gathering of old resources, shameless portraying of interesting discord discussions.
What a year!
Running this page has been incredibly fun so far, and I’m looking forward to everything on the horizon that we will hype about together in 2025.
Happy New Year everyone, see you on Discord and best of luck in your next fight on the pitch!